To prove what I have learned for learning outcome #3 I am providing the evidence from the beginning of the semester when we read “Consider the Lobster.” How I normally read articles for any class I have always started by reading through once pretty fast. After that I go through a second time and highlight the points I believe are really important, things I found confusing, and things that I might want to bring up in a class discussion. I adopted this way of reading articles in high school when it was required in my English composition classes senior year. Since then I have become better at it and these example pages from the Consider the Lobster article prove that point. Normally I ask at least one question on every page, unless the article is particularly confusing then there might be more than that. For some pages in this article that was the case, but the majority of pages had only one question asked. In high school when I was annotating articles I had always done the most important words in sentences of the most important sentences, but this time around I just highlighted sections I thought were really important because if I was going to add to the conversation in class I could come up with more complex ideas. Overall when I go through the paper looking for important ideas I will summarize the section next to it, and then after that I will add my ideas on how I felt about the piece. Taking this class has evolved me as a critical reader because before I was not putting as much effort into reading articles for a class, but I have learned that reading critically is one of the most important parts of any assignment because that is where all major ideas come from. An example of the above information can be seen on page 461 where I highlighted the section on the concerts that were going on during the lobster festival. I had said that I have gone to many different concerts, all of which had been standing room only and I was very interested in the fact that they were selling chairs to sit on during shows, which is something I had never seen before.
